How Can Dentists Get More Exercise?
Because there are various treatments and procedures that dentists must do every day, it can really take a toll on their bodies from sitting so long. Exercises that help to increase the fitness levels of dentists can be divided into aerobic exercises, which concentrate on stretching their muscles. This helps to fight against tight muscles Read more…
First Aid Treatment to Dental Disasters
Check out this infographic about First Aid Treatment to Dental Disasters.
Keep your beautiful smile with the best dentist in Adelaide
Located in the heart of Adelaide city, Adams Dental is dedicated to providing quality dental care with experienced and professional dentists in Adelaide. Dr. Michael Adams is a pioneer in the field of dentistry. He graduated in dentistry from the Adelaide University. He has extensive experience in all aspects of dentistry and patient care. He Read more…
Now You Can Overcome Any Bad Breath Issue
Bad breath which is also known as halitosis, can be very embarrassing. A person may not always be aware that they have bad breath which is unpleasant. Some of the more common symptoms of halitosis include a dry mouth, an unpleasant taste, or a white coating on the tongue. There are countless products like mints Read more…
Choose Your Shade Of White
There are many questions when our patients come to us for teeth whitening consultation. We would like to address your queries with the below mentioned answers. Am I suitable to have my teeth whitened? Almost everybody is suitable to have their teeth whitened. Teeth whitening is also well worth considering prior to any major dental Read more…
How To Choose The Right Toothbrush For Effective Brushing
Before the invention of modern toothbrushes, people in the early twentieth century used animal hair, especially boar’s hair, bristles as toothbrushes. They even chewed sticks for cleaning and whitening their teeth. But today, with evolving time and technology, we have a plethora of toothbrush options and it’s difficult to distinguish which is the best one Read more…