When To Come & See A Dentist

Children's Dentistry

We like to see children in our office at the age of 2, to start their dental health young and instill great hygiene early. When your child comes for their first visit, they’ll get to meet one of our wonderful dental hygienists who’ll make the whole trip a little adventure full of fun for them.

Some children aren’t too happy sitting in the chair on their visit, which is perfectly fine; trust takes
time.  smile Instead, they can sit on your lap where we’ll count their teeth together. Along with the option for your children to bring along their favorite soft toys, we also have a great collection of stickers, balloons and fun toothbrushes to hand out, which will help your child to love the trip to the dentist!

We recommend that your child should have their first set of x-rays to show between their teeth when the contacts between the baby teeth close; this is a hidden area where plaque quickly collects and decay may start.

Call (08) 8212 6335 today to book an appointment for your child at our conveniently located dental clinic in the Adelaide CBD.